Hear the heartfelt journey of a neglected, abused and overlooked young woman who became possessed by the love of God and wouldn’t stop until she turned the desires into history. In some sense, this is the story of every believer who carries the dreams of God within the heart.


Today Claudia Wintoch has been working in Mali for almost a decade. She went as a single woman into one of the poorest nations on earth where less than 1% of the population is Christian, where child sacrifice is still commonly practiced, and where she knew not one person! In a few years, she has developed a beautiful haven for children, especially young boys, who are rescued from the streets of Bamako, the capital of Mali. God’s grace has changed their world. These children are the future of a nation, young Daniels and Esthers! They are being educated and discipled in an outpost of Heaven, where the tangible Presence of God is a daily reality!


This is her story, which began in Vienna, Austria in abuse and despair, progressing into the university years of a lost and lonely girl. Darkness gave way to light in transforming encounters with Jesus. When He comes, everything changes. She became a lover of God and a pilgrim on a journey into His will for her life.

As you read Anyone Can Change The World, you will find keys for identifying and unlocking your own destiny. Claudia takes you through the process of her own preparation for total immersion into God’s plan for her life, the healing of the heart, the prophetic encounters that totally wrecked her for anything less than the beauty of God.


In her story, you will find the eternal pattern. And your story may change forever!

Charles Stock


Senior Pastor of LIFE CENTER
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania


I have known Claudia Wilson for a few years, and in 2007 I visited her missions base in Mali. Even then I was pretty surprised since it was fantastic what God had done there.


When I read the first few pages of the book, I thought to myself, well, I know all that, even though those are extremely important truths to completely grasp the gospel and proclaim it effectively.


When I continued reading, the Holy Spirit came down on me, and her statements and interpretations took on DEPTH, especially thanks to the many examples and experiences.


It continued with the same intensity, and sometimes tears came to my eyes. In a very anointed way Claudia teaches about the importance of being willing to make sacrifices, the dying to self, also mentioned by Paul, then the OVERCOMING and the perseverance to hold on to the calling from our Lord and Redeemer.

In any case, the book has motivated me greatly to be even more determined in pursuing my calling as an evangelist, so that the Lord Jesus sees me as his faithful servant at any time; one who He can entrust mor of His glory to from time to time.


In our fast moving days this book gives you a strong impartation of trust so that you can go on with confidence when hard times come where impatience, storms and failures want to hold us back, until you reach the goal (Heb 6:11-13). Every Christian, and especially those in ministry, should read this book.

Erwin Fillafer


Evangelist, Austria

As a pastor of a church that has a missions focus I am very interested in changing the world by cooperating with the HOLY Spirit to further the kingdom of GOD.


When I heard Claudia’s story about her prayer that God would send her where no one else wanted to go, I was intrigued. Her book is a personal story of how her heart of passion propelled her to seek the heart of GOD. She is brutally honest in this transparent telling of how GOD step by step led her through deep cleansing and inner healing. She obeyed HIS voice even when the road seemed rough and some things did not make sense at the time. It is the story of the faith of a single woman with little support on this earth who dared to step out and believe GOD for Mali, a Muslim country in West Africa.


This book is a blueprint showing the steps of falling in love with GOD and obeying his voice. I recommend this book to anyone who has a calling on their lives and wants to change the world.


Lloyd, PA

I read Claudia Wilson's book. It is her story, mixed with teaching from the Scriptures about Christian life and living. Whenever we read stories in which God has taken brokenness and brought about joyful transformation, to fullness of LIFE, it is an inspiration to us all. Thank you Claudia! Thank you for being willing to be so open and allow the vulnerability of the difficulties you experienced growing up... and then to share what God is doing with you to save children off the streets in Mali. I am amazed at what you are doing. It is so much MORE than I realized! God bless you!!! Wow!


Sheila, CA

Claudia, I've been meaning to tell you how good your book is. I thought I would read right thru it in a day and the first part, I did. But, oh my, there is SO much to chew on. (Very chewy, and takes some time to digest) : ) Definitely meat, not milk! So much preparation you went thru.


Laurie, PA

Claudia, I am in the middle of your book and I love it! I love the format but the truth that comes out. Thank you for writing it and your heart.


Susan, CO