Ask of Me, and I will make the nations your inheritance. (Ps 2:8)
Our mission is to bring healing on four levels:
"Lord, send me where no one wants to go."
"If your vision is big enough for you to accomplish, it's probably not from God."
Dr. Claudia Wilson
The Lord has given Claudia a heart for the nations of the world, particularly those where noone wants to go and where noone has heard the good news. Having been healed spiritually and emotionally from deep wounds, it has always been on her heart to minister healing to a sick world. And she's always had an unsatiable hunger for more of the Lord, and to see others enter into the fullness of the Lord as well. Early in her Christian life, the ministry name Healing 2 The Nations formed.
Claudia has been a believer since 1993, called to the ministry and Africa that same year, and learned her destination (Mali) in 1995. In 2001 she moved from Austria to Kansas City, MO, for two years to attend Bible School before going to Mali in 2003.
While Mali is the nation the Lord has given her as inheritance (see Psalm 2:8), Claudia's calling is to go to many other nations as well as His ambassador. It's been spoken prophetically repeatedly that she would be a "mother of nations".
May 14, 1973 - Claudia Magdalena Wintoch, daughter of Wolfgang (23) and Eva Maria Wintoch (21), is born in Vienna, Austria, as her parents' first child. Three years later her brother Ronald is born. When she is about five years old, her parents separate, so that her Mom ends up raising two children alone. Claudia is 12 years old, when her Mom's boyfriend Heinzi moves in.
Even before she starts school at the age of 6, she loves playing school and teaching her brother - an early indication of what she would do later. When she has to choose between a focus on maths or languages in grade 7, she goes for the languages, wanting to be an interpreter. By the time she is 15, she has two passions in life - astronomy and dancing. And it is at that age that she starts tutoring students in Maths, English, which later also includes French. In 1991 she graduates with "Matura" from High School, taking exams in Maths, German, French, Latin, Physics and Music.
Wanting to discover the new, she dreams of one day getting the Nobel Price for an astronomic achievement, and starts studying Astronomy and Physics at the University of Vienna. In 1993, she studies one semester of Physics in Paris, where her love for languages reawakens. Coming back and having finished the equivalent of a B.S., she changes her major to African Studies, with the minor French, with the goal of preparing to go to Mali, West Africa. In 1997, she gets a certificate from Cambridge University (UK) that authorizes her to teach English as a foreign language, and she starts teaching in language schools, while continuing her studies.
In 1999, after four years of studying and dreaming about going to Mali, Claudia gets a grant from university to do linguistic field research in Mali for nearly 5 months, to gather data for her Master's thesis and contribute to the work of SIL (Summer Insitute of Linguistics) on site. At the end of 2000, she graduates with a Master's degree from the University of Vienna.
In 2001, while still teaching, she finds her dream job, testing speech recognition software for IBM, which combines her love for languages and for computers.
In June of 2001, Claudia moves to Kansas City, MO, where she starts a two-year intensive Bible College to graduate with a Masters of Divinity degree in the summer of 2003.
By taking correspondance classes from Faith Bible College, Claudia receives her Doctorate of Theology degree in August 2003.
In September 2003 she moves to Mali, West Africa, where she teaches German at a little Muslim High School for two years.
In November 2004 she founds a local church called Centre Apostolique Malien as well as a Bible School. One month later at Christmas she organizes her first party for street children which is a great success. It is the start of seeing the vision God gave her being fulfilled.
After 12 years as the only white person there, she married Randy in February of 2015 who comes to her side in the ministry. Four years later she gives birth to beautiful triplets, completing their family.
HOW I FOUND JESUS at the age of 20
I would have liked so much to go do a tennis camp with the ÖH, but I didn't have enough money for that. Then my friend Sigrid told me about a poster she had seen at university. It talked about a sports camp that included tennis. She had ordered the brochure, but discarded the idea again, when she read that a Christian organization was organizing it. When I heard that, I asked her to bring the flyer anyway. While reading it I was thinking how great the price was and how the evening talks could be quite interesting after all. So we decided to go there. All we wanted to do was play tennis anyway! Even though the deadline had already passed, it was no problem at all to still enroll.
After a 6-hour drive we arrived a little late in the middle of the first evening talk. The talk was quite interesting, and purely psychological. Their Christian faith was only audible a couple of times. The following day, as we had more contact with the other people, I felt a little uneasy in their company. I sensed how fulfilled their lives were through their love for God, and I envied them a little bit. I was most afraid of the leader. He literally shone with the love of God, and in his presence I felt...
Butterflies & Freedom
A Student’s Life in Canada
by Claudia Wintoch
taken from News from Vienna 14 (Dec 1996)
It was my first overseas-flight and I enjoyed it very much. Like the whole week before my departure, Jesus was incredibly near to me in a very special way. During the flight I thought I was still dreaming like all those months before. I was so excited and it seemed even more unreal when I landed in Vancouver and got off the plane. It had always been one of those “unachievable“ dreams to go to North-America, and here I was, after 7 months of dreaming about Canada! I was totally overwhelmed at the goodness of God, how He had made everything possible! My Austrian friend Stefan, who studies at Vancouver, picked me up and took me to his home. Everything was totally unreal and like a dream to me. It actually took me over a week to grasp that I was really there and not just dreaming like all those months before...
Austria being a catholic country, Claudia grew up having religious instruction in school and believing in God, yet not knowing Him or ever really hearing the gospel. Life became very miserable with her Mom's boyfriend moving in when she was twelve, and she became depressive and suicidal. She started getting very busy, picked up dancing at the age of 15 which she loved (ballroom dancing - latin, standard, Rock'n'Roll acrobatics, tapdance, training for competitions and performing), and loved astronomy, being very involved at an observatory in Vienna.
When she graduated from school at the age of 18, God completely disappeared from her life with the absence of religious instruction. She slowly started getting a grip on life, still looking for love everywhere. Two years into her studies at university, she went to a sports camp organized by Intervarsity in Austria (Christian student group) and gave her life to Christ that very week. Those people had something she did not and she wanted. Two weeks after her conversion, she wrote a testimony of how God reached her which she gave to every person she knew - you can read it in English, Deutsch or Français.
Six weeks after her conversion she moved to Paris, France, for half a year, which was perfect timing. Two months after her conversion, God called her to full-time ministry. Another month later to Africa. Paris was a time of rapid growth, and one week before her return to Austria, God sovereignly baptized her in the Spirit, without her knowing what was happening.
Right after her conversion she adopted C.T. Studd's motto: If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him. She also regularly prayed two "dangerous" prayers: "Send me where they haven't heard the good news" and "Send me where nobody else wants to go". And God answered her prayers. Back in Austria, she was water-baptized and found her church Vienna Christian Center, an international church of over 45 nations. The first two years of her Christian life, she invested all her free-time into Intervarsity, where she grew rapidly by doing "all the stuff" and learning a lot. Even in those early days she shared her testimony of how her life was changed from one day to the other, from a loveless life of hating her step-father, to now loving him. Yet, she still had a lot of pain and wounds and was not able to experience the Father-heart of God.
When she first heard of God's move in Toronto in the beginning of 1995 (known as Toronto Blessing, but really called The Father's Blessing), hope arose for her own emotional healing. During a ministry trip to England in February of 1995, she was first overwhelmed by the power of God, which started the process of inner healing. Conferences with people from Toronto and others in different locations in Europe brought more and more healing to her broken life. At the same time, she always longed to help others find healing and freedom for themselves. In the fall of 1996, she went to Kelowna, Canada, to do a three-month School of Counseling and Healing. Yet, while she went to be equipped, she experienced an intense time of personal healing, to the degree that she had to learn to live again upon her return to Austria. Read her testimony of those 10 weeks here.
Having received the call to Africa in Paris in 1993, it was in 1995 that God laid the country of Mali in West Africa on her heart. Studying African languages at university, she focused on Mali the whole time, learning two of the most important Malian languages (already knowing the ex-colonial language French). Having been saved in an evangelical setting, and loving linguistics, she was getting to know and love SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics) more and more. In 1999, after four years of praying for Mali and desiring to go there, she finally went there to do linguistic field research for her Master's thesis to contribute to the work of SIL there, being an SIL guest helper. As soon as she touched the ground getting off the plane, she felt like she had come home, like being in the place where she belonged.
Returning from Mali, she finished her Master's degree in December of 2000. In January 1994 God had first spoken to her in a dream about going to a Bible College, and it had always been her dream to go to Grace Training Center (at the time Mike Bickle's school) in Kansas City. In the fall of 2000 she was considering whether to go the Bible College as she had always dreamed, or go back to Mali where she longed to be. However, when she had left Mali she had told the Lord that she would not go back there without His power to do what Jesus did.
One day, CHARISMA magazine lay open on her desk and her eyes fell on a one-page ad for a school in Kansas City, which was called World Revival School of Ministry - a name which contained words that were significant to her. All I knew was that there was a revival in Smithton, and yet, I could not forget about it any more. One month before leaving for the US, she knew she had to be at that school rather than the other one. And when she got to Kansas City in June 2001, He dramatically confirmed that this was the school for her to be.
The following two years were an intense time of transformation, equipping, learning, dying and knowing Him more. He fulfilled her greatest heart's desires - to be so intimate with Him that His tangible presence is always there, and to move in the power that is available to every believer. He also gave her friends and "family" like she had only dreamed of.
While being a full-time student at World Revival School of Ministry, she also took a few classes at then-Grace Training Center and the Forerunner School of Prayer (International House of Prayer (IHOP) - Mike Bickle). She had the joy and privilege of being Jill Austin's student during her two years there, and started serving in the IHOP ministry team and the Healing Rooms.
In May 2003 she finished her classes and turned 30 years old - a very significant birthday that marked the beginning of a new season of her life. In August 2003 she not only received a Master's of Divinity from World Revival School of Ministry, but also a Doctorate of Theology from Faith Bible College.
After 8 years of preparation to take Mali for His kingdom, a suddenly of God opened the door to Mali in July 2003, 10 years to the day sincer her conversion. In September 2003, she stepped into her destiny, or rather God's destiny for Mali, when she moved to the capital city of Bamako.
Claudia was licensed to the Gospel Ministry by Christ Triumphant Church in Lee's Summit (Kansas City) on September 26, 2004.
She was ordained by Harvest International Ministries (HIM) in Pasadena, California, on July 30, 2008.
She was commissioned as apostle by Harvest International Ministries (HIM) in Pasadena, California, on June 7, 2013.
Read Claudia's fascinating life story, how the Lord took a little girl from Vienna, Austria, who did not know what love and joy was, transformed her, and sent her out to those who do not know love and joy. If God can use her, He can use ANYONE. This book will take away all your excuses why God can't use you. It will give you the necessary keys for YOU to be able to step into YOUR destiny.
I became a believer at the age of 20, and for the next 20 years I never had a relationship. When I left for Mali at the age of 30, for the first time in my life I had the desire to get married, while before I'd say either way is fine with me. As the years passed, every time I'd travel I would get people praying over me and prophesying that my husband was coming soon, as well as other details, yet "soon" in God's eyes is very different from our "soon". Every time I'd get discouraged and be on the point of giving up...
Word of the Lord through Cindy Jacobs in Pasadena, California, on January 24, 2013:
And the Lord says, daughter, I’m getting ready to glorify my Name in Mali. I am going to arise and I am getting ready to make my enemies scattered, says God. The Lord says, I am bringing miracles that are so astounding. It’s going to be creative, new eyes created, new limbs created. God says, you tell your workers to boldly start praying for anybody that doesn’t have arms or legs or whatever it is. There are blind Bartimaeus just waiting to be healed. And God says, out of Mali, out of Bamako, I am going to release a wave of glory that is going to affect the French-speaking world. And the Lord says, daughter, I am protecting you, but if I tell you to go you get [out]. And God says, there is gonna be a time to go, and you get ready, when I say, go, and you get out of there. And I’m gonna take care of everything else, says the Lord. And the Lord says, I’m gonna give you ALL that part of Africa, Western Africa, for your inheritance. You’re gonna move into Senegal next. I’m gonna affect the unreached people, on the coast. It’s gonna be the coastal people that I’m gonna touch, that worship the goddess of the sea. And the Lord says, there are many [that] have prayed but I’m gonna send you in. God says, you’re gonna affect Congo, and I’m gonna get you into Mauritania. I set her aside as this apostolic voice.
Word of the Lord through Jill Austin in Pasadena, California, on July 30, 2008:
You know, Claudia, I’m one of your spiritual Moms. And what I so felt for you, for Africa, even as you are dressed, is I went looking and I kept saying, Lord, what would be a prophetic declaration, a demarcation, because what I kept feeling was a line was being drawn in the sand, and that the Lord is setting you apostolically as one that is like a young Heidi Baker, and one that will move with signs and wonders. And when I saw this color, like you are dressed, with sounds and music, I went to a place called THE ART OF THE SOUL, and I found a watch, and on the watch, I felt like it was a prophetic time piece. And on the watch was a bee. And the Lord said Judges 4 and 5, and Deborah represents the bee. As one that says, when the city gates were at war, that Deborah arose as a heart of a mother. And I felt like the Lord is setting you in there with the heart of a mother, one that will bring deliverance. What I kept seeing, was land, land, buildings, buildings, a school, an orphanage. I kept seeing great finances being released to you. I kept seeing the glory of the Lord coming, and signs and wonders and miracles. And I saw a discipleship. It’s like a river of fire, and a river of the glory of the Lord. And I felt that as you wore this, or you saw this watch, it was a prophetic sign piece, said, now that you are covered by governmental, apostolic, international ministry, there is gonna be weight that not only will you minister to the poor, but God is gonna open up gates governmentally and give you land and buildings and great favor, says the Lord.
Word of the Lord through Charles Stock in Pasadena, California, on July 30, 2008:
Claudia, there’s been like an orphan spirit in Mali, and the people have felt forgotten, neglected, and abandoned, even by the French colonialists. And the Lord says, He’s breaking that, and He’s breaking that, and He’s putting in you the Spirit of adoption, that you will be connected, you will be connected, you will be connected, and it’s a connection that cannot be severed. It’s gonna minister, there’s gonna be wholeness, there’s gonna be an attraction, and the place that seems to be most forgotten is going to become most thought of, because the Lord is just doing this, and His hand and favor is upon you.
Word of the Lord through Jill Austin in Rancho Cucamonga, California, on April 10, 2008:
He says, you've come for water, but I've come to give you an ocean. And I just keep seeing water, but I feel like the Lord says, I'm gonna release finances and buildings to you, says the Lord. And I just feel there's divine connections. And every time you come from Africa to America, to Europe, there's this joining of networking, but also there will be Canada. And I feel like the Lord says, get ready for South America.
Word of the Lord through Steve Fedele in Paris, France, on April 3, 2008:
My daughter, you took the little that I gave you, along with the insecurity and the fear of life, but you said, I won't let it limit me. I won't let it hinder me. And you took step by step to where you find yourself now. But know, within the next several months, there's coming provision for enlargement. There's coming a creative anointing to make wealth. Much of what you're doing is gonna begin to be spotlighted by other ministries and missions. That will be a teaching tool for many because many people have big organizations and great budgets behind them, and they haven't done a third of what you've done. And I believe mission groups are getting desperate to see something done. And I'm going to showcase you, because I've made you strong. I put into your hands now the ability to make wealth, the ability to raise funds. Gifts and surprises will come your way without even understanding where they are coming from.
I'm gonna just give it, and I'm gonna trust that it means something to you, but the Lord just said the number 16 to me. And what I sensed when I heard the number 16: there's like 16 extensions that He is bringing into your ministry and life, that will bring a multiplication of what you're doing. Like you're a pattern, but now God is going to begin to duplicate the pattern. We release this to you, and we bless you in Jesus' name.
Word of the Lord through Jill Austin in London, England, on October 21, 2007:
What I just keep seeing on you is that apostolic anointing. And I keep seeing signs and wonders. The Lord says, if you build it, I will come. And I keep seeing a dream team anointing on you. If you build it, I will come. And I see you looking at property and land, and I see a whole ministry school. And I feel like the Lord says, get ready. Get ready, I'm about to open up great doors for you. [...] I just feel like the Lord said that He's putting a new staff in your hand. And you're one that is gonna be able to bring deliverance and healing. But it's a Joshua staff, is what the Lord says. You're gonna go into situations like the flood, but you're gonna be able to break it open with the presence and the glory of God. And so, what I just keep seeing is, I see you preaching. I see you moving in many different languages. I feel like God's giving you a gift with language and discernment and diplomacy. [...] The sword of the Lord.
Word of the Lord through Che Ahn in Pasadena, California, on January 25, 2007:
I see you going back into France. I see Him sowing back into France, that France needs revival. And that the African revival of the French-speaking nations sow back into it. I see you going back and forth and bringing revival to France.
Word of the Lord through Rick Wright in Pasadena, California, on January 25, 2007:
You're baking. You're baking the living bread. You're baking living bread. You're gonna feed many with the living bread. Jesus said, I am the bread of life, but you're [...] like an oven. And the Lord is burning a new hot white love for Him, the bread of heaven, the bread of life. You're gonna give away the bread of life. Hallelujah!
Your faith is gonna create such monumental things. Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world - that will be something that's written over your life, raising up [for] the Lord an army of compassion. And I feel that there is coming an army of compassion for children. That God is gonna give you something like what happened with Mel Tari years ago, and children were so mightily used of God, it was remarkable. It's just over the top. God's gonna do something with children. I feel like the Dillon orphanage back in the 20s, in China, it's a Bakers deal. God's gonna give you something very remarkable with children evangelists. Young evangelists, boys and girls, in a mighty, awesome way.
Word of the Lord through Jill Austin in San Diego, California, on August 5, 2006:
What I keep seeing on your shoulders is that you're one who will carry the Ark. What I keep seeing. I know that she's a missionary in Africa. But I was praying and I saw a vision of you today. And what I kept seeing was schools. I kept seeing that you're gonna have. Wow, wow, yeah! I just kept seeing miracles. But I kept seeing schools, like equipping and training schools. And the Lord says, GET READY! And what I kept seeing as you're wearing this yellow coat, what I saw was glory. And what I saw was glory. And what I saw was that you're one that carries Him. And you're like a mother. And the Lord says you're one of the mothers in the nations. I've called you as a deliverer. And I feel like you're gonna be one that will go in front of dictators and you're gonna say, we need a. And you're gonna have wells and finances and bread. And what I keep seeing is storage. It's like God's gonna give you food and supplies. So, Lord, we just wanna release, Lord. Now, what I kept feeling is when I. I just keep feeling like you're gonna have, an angel of visitation is gonna meet you. And what I keep seeing, the Lord says, I'm giving you other nations. And I'm gonna give you leaders of other nations. And I just feel this; I mean I don't know that much about her work, but I saw her today, and the Lord says, I call her that she will be one that will move in miracles, says the Lord. I just see it.
Word of the Lord through Steve & Rita Fedele in Paris, France, on April 4, 2006:
Keep a diary of all the miracles that God does for you. Record it. Because in time you’re gonna write literature of what God did. And it will be sort of like a handbook to other people who want to do something for God. But they don’t know where to begin. Because God is gonna do wonderful things with you, sister.
Know this, says the Lord, your dwelling place, even the compound where you’re seeking to build. It is My will, says the Lord, and it shall be an oasis of living water, the Spirit of God, but it shall also be an oasis where the natural body is refreshed, that which will provide to the body and the spirit. And I will favor you, says the Lord, and whatever your hands touch I will prosper. You know, I see a vision in my mind’s eye. It’s like in the middle of the desert. And I don’t know if this is, I know it’s spiritual, but I’m almost feeling it’s natural too. That it’s if you dig for water to have a well on your property, it will be like an artesian well that was never expected. And it will be a sign in the natural that represents to the people that spiritually God is there. And many will come, says the Lord, seeking the water of life, and I’m going to cause there to be raised up unto you local ministries, pastors, native pastors, that will spread out, even to the borders of the city and establish works for my kingdom. Even a training center, says the Lord. A large vision for one girl. But not large for Me in you, says the Lord. And even the miracles that you have been waiting for shall flow through your hands.
And you know what it is to be alone, you know what it is to be lonely, and to feel isolated and away from everything. And that was before you got to where you’re serving. But in that loneliness, in that ache in your spirit, God birthed a vision, God birthed a purpose, and at first it seemed like you were gonna have to be alone. Even now you are not seeing as much support as you know you need. And it’s like you had to do everything the hard way to get anywhere. But in these next 24 months I’m going to favor you, says the Lord, among the brethren, and there will be those who say, she’s proven herself faithful and it is a confirmation of what she’s doing is of the Lord. And there will be those who will be raised up to pour in financial and physical help to build the compound that I have called you to build. You will go on the property in prayer and you will begin to pray for what is needed. You will receive emails, phone calls, that the supply is coming. There’ll even be days where you’ll find building materials on your property that were just brought there, and you won’t know if men brought it or if the angels of the Lord dropped it. I’m preparing you for a miracle ministry, of provision to do what I put in your spirit to do. Father, we build a hedge around her, we build a hedge of protection. Only bring those by her that are gonna have a heart to do what God’s called. We pray in Jesus’s name. Amen.
Word of the Lord through Jill Austin in Pasadena, California, on January 27, 2006:
I keep seeing twelve, smooth stones. I feel like the Lord says, living stones. I feel God is gonna give you twelve disciples. I feel those smooth stones are gonna be ones that have had the waters, the river, over them. But they’re gonna be stones you’re gonna put in a slingshot, and they’re gonna take down giants. And so I just feel like the Lord says, there is a mightiness, they’re smooth stones, I saw them clearly, living stones. But the Lord says, as you start with even that small group of twelve, there’s gonna be a multiplication, and it’s gonna go outside the nations. So I just feel like, I know you’re in a third-world nation, but what I kept seeing was twelve smooth stones, a deliverance, a healing ministry, but I also feel, God is gonna open up doors, and you’re gonna be ones that will go in and speak even to rulers, says the Lord. I know, I just feel orphanages around you, but I also feel the Lord says, it’s high and low, says the Lord.
Word of the Lord through Pat Massaro in Paris, France, on August 27, 2005:
We bless our sister, Father. God says, you will stand strong, like a pillar in My house. For I said that I shall make you a pillar in the temple of my God. Revelation 3:12. [= Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it.] And He says, you will not go out, but you shall be a permanent fixture in the glory house, in the house of My glory. You will stand and you will be a steward of the glory. You will be able to carry the anointing. And you will carry the anointing very well. You will be able to receive ALL that I put on you and you will walk in it. You will walk in ALL of the glory that I give you. Because remember, the priests were not able to stand because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord’s house. My glory cloud is coming, but you shall stand in My glory. You will be able to contain it. You will be able to uphold it, for the kabod of God shall be upon you. The weight of My glory. You will stand in that place. For it is My appointment. It is My divine appointment. The Lord says, I call whom I call. I choose those I desire to choose. [loud:] I have chosen you. You are mine. I have appointed you for this hour. Man did not call you. I ordained you and I have anointed you. And the Lord says, you will go forth as a mighty warrior in the battle. And the Lord says, you will see the weapons of the Spirit of God coming out of your life, [end loud] very effective, very destructive to the enemy. Do not look on the outward any longer. Don’t look upon yourself, but keep your eyes on Me. Cause the Lord says, you will bring people over Jordan’s river. Oh, and as you step into the waters, they shall open up for you. As you step into the waters, you’re gonna go over on dry ground. And there shall be an army that shall follow after you. You’re gonna bring people into the things of God. And the people that have withstood you, those that have opposed you, will not be able to be found. They will not be something to you to even think about or consider. Because opposition will come to the move of my Spirit. But the Lord says, you will not even notice it. Because you’re gonna be too focused on Me. I’m gonna have you lost in the glory cloud of My Spirit. You’re gonna be lost like Moses was. When he went into the cloud, the people could not see him. And people will not see you. They will see My presence. They will see Jesus in you. People have tried to judge you on the outward. People have tried to look for your qualifications. They did the same thing to Paul the apostle. And Paul said, the people under my ministry, they are the qualifications for my ministry. Praise God! They are my credentials. And you’re an educated person. You’re an intelligent person. But God says, don’t even depend on that. Cause I’ve called you to be a woman of the Spirit that will know the times and seasons of God prophetically. You’re gonna know the kairos times. And the Lord says, I have some high mountain tops for you. I will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth and I’m gonna give you the heritage of Jacob. For the Lord says that he got on an angel and did fly. And He’s gonna put you in His big chariot and you’re gonna go flying with the Lord. There’s gonna be a shout in the heavens because Claudia has come up there, hallelujah! Hallelujah! God says, I’m gonna send you to many nations. This Mali is just the firstfruits. Hallelujah! Praise God! Hallelujah! I just see an apostolic anointing on this woman. How many know that God has women apostles? I see apostolic anointing on you because God says, you’re gonna raise up many churches. And you’re networked already with some apostolic ministries, but the Lord says you’re gonna have your own network. Amen? And God’s gonna put some strong, strong people in your life. Strong people are coming. Stay close to the Fathers and the Mothers in the Spirit. God says, I brought you to this church because you’re gonna receive from the Father and the Mother in this house. You’re gonna receive. You’re gonna receive. You’re gonna be hooked together. You’re gonna be yoked together. Hallelujah! And God says you’re gonna see the vision of His glory coming over Africa, like a Holy Spirit tsunami. It’s gonna hit. It’s gonna hit. And you’re gonna be like Elijah. The Lord says, pray like Elijah prayed. James chapter 5. He prayed and the rain came. And the Lord says, rain is coming on Mali, in the natural and in the Spirit. I see her literally having authority over the elements. Amen! You’re gonna pray and the rain will come. You’re gonna rebuke the famine. You’re gonna rebuke the drought. And you’re gonna see also in the Spirit a breakthrough. For finances are gonna come. From the north, the south, the east and the west. And the Lord says, there have been people who’ve made promises to you to help you financially, and they did not keep their word, for whatever reason. You didn’t want to judge the reason, why they didn’t do it. But the Lord says, I will keep My word and I will provide for you. I’m your provider. And the Lord says, when I provide, it’s not an empty promise. It’s gonna come. [prayer in tongues] There is a fountain, I see a fountain of the ground opening up. The Lord says, even now there is an underwater current and there’s gonna be a breaking of the hard ground, and the fountain is gonna come gushing forth. [prayer in tongues] Cause God says, I’ll make a stream in the desert. [prayer in tongues] And rivers shall flow in the wilderness. Oh, hallelujah! Father, we just bless her. We bless her Lord, we bless her, Jesus. And Lord, she’s a princess of God. She’s crowned with the crowns of the Lord Jesus. She’s gonna move in divine royalty. Oh hallelujah! And the Lord says, you’re gonna rebuke the sorrow and the pain and the depression. I see you wiping tears away from people’s faces. And God says, I’m gonna bring many children under your wings, and they’re gonna cling to you. They’re gonna hold on to you. I just see them always around you. Just like bees buzzing around you. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord!
Word of the Lord through Jill Austin in Kansas City, Missouri, on September 17, 2004:
And Claudia, I know that you have an anointing and that you’re off to the nations. … What I kept seeing was acceleration. I kept seeing acceleration and multiplication. I kept feeling like the Lord is opening up new doors. I kept feeling this wind of the Lord. I feel like the Lord says you have an anointing in the prophetic, but there is a teaching anointing on you. And I kept seeing your feet moving and breaking open new territory. And I felt like the Lord says, that there is, you’re one that’s gonna move with evangelical and with the Pentecostals. It’s like you’re gonna break into religious known like Christian churches, and it’s like you’re gonna come in. But I keep seeing mercy around you. I keep seeing the anointing of bringing in supplies. I feel like the Lord is saying, I’m gonna have you one that’s gonna be one like, one of the hats you’re gonna wear is you’re gonna open up doors for medical and for mercy and for feeding the poor. But I just see that all around you. It’s like, but I feel like the Lord says, you’re one that’s gonna BREAK it open, break it open with a fresh anointing. I feel like the Lord says that you’re a woman that’s gonna carry part of what Heidi Baker has on her. There is that apostolic evangelism on you. God’s gonna give you favor to work not only with the evangelicals but also with the charismatic, but bringing in a fresh move of signs and wonders. But what I keep seeing is, the Lord says, get ready because you’re gonna take territory. What I feel is it’s not so much a thing of going in and out, but living in the land, being with the people. And I just see you being dumped in the land. The Lord says, you’ve cried out and said, Lord, anywhere. I just feel you’re part of a new breed of apostolic as a woman that’s gonna be sent out. And this is wild, but I feel like you’re gonna be one that’s, there’s gonna be a school. I feel like you’re gonna bring people in to come in and teach and move in the different gifts. But I also see you as an ambassador. I feel like you’re coming in very naturally supernaturally. There’s divine connections and doors are gonna open to you, FRESH doors. I just keep seeing doors, but I see a humility that’s on you. But it’s like I just see this, like God says, get ready, I’m gonna dunk you into the nation. And what I keep seeing is there’s gonna be, it’s almost like you’re gonna be color-coded. It’s like you’re gonna be dunked so much like a cup that God’s giving you as one that’s gonna be moving in signs and wonders with a fresh teaching. But I just keep seeing apostolic evangelism. I keep seeing that God is using you as a new breed, as a young woman that’s going into the nations and that’s gonna break open territory with the great moves of God. I keep seeing the cross over you. I feel there’s gonna be anointing of the cross. You’re one that’s gonna preach the cross and preach the blood. And you’re gonna see many saved and delivered and set free.
Word of the Lord through Jill Austin in Vacaville, California, on July 8, 2004:
What I keep seeing around you is you’re gonna plant churches. I feel like they would say you’re a missionary, but the Lord says you’re not a missionary. He says you’re a young apostle. You’re gonna be one who is gonna move in signs and wonders, signs and wonders. I’m not saying she has the office of it yet, she does not. But there is this anointing on her, that’s a breaker. There is an anointing on her to move in signs [and wonders.] I’m clarifying so that you don’t get all hung up, okay? But I do believe in the office, though. But she is in this place of FIRE. What I keep seeing is signs and wonders moving around you. You shared with me you’re in Africa, and I feel like the Lord is going to move you in a network of young men and young women. And you’re gonna be one that is going to have radical visitations. I feel God is going to give you fresh blueprint plans, and He is going to start to give you strategies. I feel like you’re in a Muslim nation, and the Lord is going to give you strategies of how to unlock people groups. I see you moving into villages and bringing signs and wonders and miracles, says the Lord. So get ready. Oh, you’re gonna be teaching. There is an anointing to teach. There is an anointing to move in High Schools and Colleges. You’re gonna move with languages. And you’re also gonna be a bridge to Europe, says the Lord. Yeah, I just keep seeing a miracle anointing moving around you. There is such a miracle anointing.
Healing 2 The Nations International was incorporated in Augusta, Georgia, on May 22, 2008. Its president is Dr. Claudia Wilson, vice-president Randy Wilson, the secretary Martha Kessler. The office is located in Wichita, KS.
Besides Claudia and Randy, the board of directors comprises the following members:
Alain Caron, pastor/network leader ~ Gatineau, QC ~ since 2017
Kathy Dorrell, minister ~ Mechanicsburg, PA ~ since 2018
Leanna Cinquanta, ministry leader~ Arvada, CO ~ since 2018
Don Foster, ministry leader ~ Congo, Africa ~ since 2019
Gerhard Kisslinger, pastor ~ Vienna, Austria ~ since 2019
Claudia has been a part of the apostolic network Harvest International Ministries (HIM) under the leadership of Dr. Che Ahn, based in Pasadena, CA, USA, since 2005.
In 2015, Claudia & Randy joined Dr. Randy Clark's apostolic Network Global Awakening based in Mechanicsburg, PA
In 2016, Claudia & Randy joined Alain Caron's francophone apostolic Network Hodos based in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.
Board members serve for a duration of three years, which means that two new members come on board every summer.
We want to honor our beloved original board member Jill Austin who was Claudia's spiritual Mom and mentor and died on Jan 9, 2009. Read Claudia's obituary here.
Jill Austin, itinerant minister, CA ~ 2008-2009
Christine Hämmerle, former YWAM, Austria ~ 2008-2009
Dr. Dave Ryser, Bible school professor, MO ~ 2008-2010
Peter Slavovsky, architect, GA ~ 2008-2010
Tom Richardson, pastor ~ Topeka, KS ~ 2008-2011
Renate Riha, homemaker ~ Vienna, Austria ~ 2008-2011
Bryan Cockrell, pastor ~ Augusta, GA ~ 2009-2012
Judd McKendry, chaplain ~ Augusta, GA ~ 2009-2012
Anthony Turner, pastor ~ Colorado Springs, CO ~ 2010-2013
Gerhard Kisslinger, pastor ~ Vienna, Austria ~ 2010-2013
Jeff Struss Jr., pastor ~ Lynchburg, VA ~ 2011-2014
Sheila McHenry, pastor ~ Ventura, CA ~ 2011-2014
Greg Hall, pastor ~ Wichita, KS ~ 2012-2015
Leanna Cinquanta, ministry leader ~ India ~ 2012-2015
Preston Balmain, businessman ~ Springfield, MO ~ 2013-2016
David Richardson, pastor ~ Los Angeles, CA ~ 2013-2016
Ann Tubbs, minister ~ Los Angeles, CA ~ 2014-2017
Jon Palmer, pastor ~ Györ, Hungary ~ 2014-2017
Alan Koch, pastor ~ Kansas City, MO ~ 2015-2018
Patricia Doty, pastor ~ Atco, NJ ~ 2016-2019
Founder & President
Claudia went to Mali in 2003, and Healing 2 The Nations International was born. She has seen many dreams come true, most recently getting married at 41 and having miracle triplets at 46. Claudia has a passion to see every believer walk in the fullness of God.
Randy graduated from Golden Gate Seminary (Baptist) and became a church planter and pastor. He pastored a small church in Eupora, MS, until coming to Claudia's side as her husband and ministry partner in 2015. Randy has a passion to see people come into God's kingdom and release every believer into a healing ministry.
Next Generation Ministers
Tamara, Samuel and Emmanuel were born prematurely on August 25, 2019. Claudia & Randy are raising them up to be powerful next generation ministers even as children. They believe whole-heartedly that there is no such thing as a junior Holy Spirit. The triplets have had a prophetic word that they will fulfill the name of this ministry.
National Director Mali
Paul came to know the Lord in 2005 through the ministry Claudia was doing in Mali. He completed Bible School and moved in with Claudia with the first street children in 2006. Claudia discipled him, and he became her right-hand man and national leader. She ordained him as a pastor in 2008. Paul is now the overseeing pastor of all the churches planted in Mali.