Our mission is to bring healing on four levels:


  • Spiritually - to those who do not know the Lord as their personal Savior, Lord and Bridegroom
  • Emotionally - to those struggling with issues resulting from their past
  • Physically - to those bound by sickness
  • Nationally - to labor for nation-wide transformation and world-wide revival


"Lord, send me where no one wants to go."


"If your vision is big enough for you to accomplish, it's probably not from God."


Dr. Claudia Wilson

The Lord has given Claudia a heart for the nations of the world, particularly those where noone wants to go and where noone has heard the good news. Having been healed spiritually and emotionally from deep wounds, it has always been on her heart to minister healing to a sick world. And she's always had an unsatiable hunger for more of the Lord, and to see others enter into the fullness of the Lord as well. Early in her Christian life, the ministry name Healing 2 The Nations formed.


Claudia has been a believer since 1993, called to the ministry and Africa that same year, and learned her destination (Mali) in 1995. In 2001 she moved from Austria to Kansas City, MO, for two years to attend Bible School before going to Mali in 2003.


While Mali is the nation the Lord has given her as inheritance (see Psalm 2:8), Claudia's calling is to go to many other nations as well as His ambassador. It's been spoken prophetically repeatedly that she would be a "mother of nations".

More about Claudia
Salvation Testimony
Inner Healing Testimony
Story of Faith
A Match Made In Heaven - Claudia & Randy
Prophetic Words


Healing 2 The Nations International was incorporated in Augusta, Georgia, on May 22, 2008. Its president is Dr. Claudia Wilson, vice-president Randy Wilson,  the secretary Martha Kessler. The office is located in Wichita, KS.

Besides Claudia and Randy, the board of directors comprises the following members:

Alain Caron, pastor/network leader ~ Gatineau, QC ~ since 2017

Kathy Dorrell, minister ~ Mechanicsburg, PA ~ since 2018

Leanna Cinquanta, ministry leader~ Arvada, CO ~ since 2018
Don Foster, ministry leader ~ Congo, Africa ~ since 2019
Gerhard Kisslinger, pastor ~ Vienna, Austria ~ since 2019


Claudia has been a part of the apostolic network Harvest International Ministries (HIM) under the leadership of Dr. Che Ahn, based in Pasadena, CA, USA, since 2005.


In 2015, Claudia & Randy joined Dr. Randy Clark's apostolic Network Global Awakening based in Mechanicsburg, PA


In 2016, Claudia & Randy joined Alain Caron's francophone apostolic Network Hodos based in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.

Previous Board Members







































Founder & President

Claudia went to Mali in 2003, and Healing 2 The Nations International was born. She has seen many dreams come true, most recently getting married at 41 and having miracle triplets at 46. Claudia has a passion to see every believer walk in the fullness of God.




Randy graduated from Golden Gate Seminary (Baptist) and became a church planter and pastor. He pastored a small church in Eupora, MS, until coming to Claudia's side as her husband and ministry partner in 2015. Randy has a passion to see people come into God's kingdom and release every believer into a healing ministry.


Next Generation Ministers

Tamara, Samuel and Emmanuel were born prematurely on August 25, 2019. Claudia & Randy are raising them up to be powerful next generation ministers even as children. They believe whole-heartedly that there is no such thing as a junior Holy Spirit. The triplets have had a prophetic word that they will fulfill the name of this ministry.


National Director Mali

Paul came to know the Lord in 2005 through the ministry Claudia was doing in Mali. He completed Bible School and moved in with Claudia with the first street children in 2006. Claudia discipled him, and he became her right-hand man and national leader. She ordained him as a pastor in 2008. Paul is now the overseeing pastor of all the churches planted in Mali.