The nights are back to "normal" now, with Tammy sleeping through and the boys needing milk.
This morning I had to get up 2 hours earlier than usual, which was tough, as I had not had enough sleep yesterday morning either. It was time for the weekly baby swimming. We loaded them all into the strollers, and off we went, walking the one kilometer to the little swimming pool, where my Mom met us.

Wow! Already 10 months old! That is their actual age; their biological age is 7.5 months. And the day today needs to be named "Tamara Standing Day". She was standing up all day long! A few days ago I saw her stand, but not stand up. Today we saw her stand up constantly. Every time Randy was feeding one of the boys (6 times total), she would stand up and watch. After all, you can see better looking over the railing than through!

Last night was the third night in a row that Tammy needed milk (the boys always do). She had already been sleeping through the night for weeks. Not only that, after drinking, she won't let me put her down, even when she has already falling asleep. She starts crying so hard, getting frantic. I tried several times last night, and finally took her to bed with me.