I was extremely tired last night, and it was tough feeding Emmy twice during the night and the others once. At least it was easier to put Tammy back to sleep. It was after 3 am before I got to lie down, all exhausted.
And then I had to get up 2 hours earlier than usual this morning. It was raining a little as we were walking the one kilometer to the swimming pool. We still need to get a double rain cover for the stroller, as the single one does not cover them both.

Last night Emmy needed milk twice, Sammy once, and - very unusual - Tammy also once. While the boys simply continue sleeping when they're done, she starts screaming even then when you put her down. Sigh. I hope she goes back to sleeping through the night. After the tiring day yesterday, it didn't help me get rested for today, and I had to get up earlier than usual once again.

What a day! The night before last I went to bed at 4:30 am, last night thankfully earlier, and Sammy was so kind to sleep through the night for the first time in a long time. However, Emmy needed feeding twice. At 7 am I already had to get up, and so I was extremely tired all day long (I wake up at night).
We expected our friend to show up with the truck at 7:30