Last night I fed babies 4 times after midnight and before gonig to bed. My weaning them off the night feedings is not working so well.

It always takes me a while to fall asleep, and this morning it was 5 when I last looked at the time.

Tonight it's 3 am. Last night it was after 4 again before I went to bed, and having done that 3 days in the row, I was so extremely tired this afternoon that I could barely keep my eyes open.

Because of that it was great timing that Randy was the one cooking lunch today. Ever so often he makes omelets for us and does a great job.

It's 3:10 am, and I'm just so very tired! What kept me up tonight is writing a way-overdue email update, and then working on getting the documents together for Randy's permit. And I haven't even done the dishes yet! Or finished editing today's pictures.
It was after 4 am again when I got to sleep, as babies woke up at 4 again.