Emmy had such a tough time last night; maybe another tooth coming? I was glad to be going to bed a little earlier, but no such luck. At 2 am he woke up and I gave him milk, but he started crying whenever I walked away, which is unusual. I stroked his head until 2:30 and walked away, and he again started screaming. I had also changed his diaper and given him dental cream, so I knew all his needs had been met. I decided to go to bed and let him scream.

Last night I went to bed after 2:30 am, but it always takes me a while to fall asleep. I woke up when babies were crying and Randy took care of them, but fell asleep again fast. I was so very tired when the alarm rang at 8:50 and I had to get up to make their food. We fed them, and then put them down for nap time. I guess we're in between 1 and 2 naps a day; 9:15 is too early for them (only Sammy fell asleep right away), and 12 is too late.

I didn't make it to bed earlier last night; what a surprise! 😉 At least my sleep wasn't interrupted too much, as I made sure they were all fed before I went to bed at 2:30. My alarm woke me at 8:50, and by 9 am I'm done with their food and we can feed them. Today we went back to two naps per day.