I don't have much to write about today, nor do I have a lot of pictures. I've been pretty tired, and my nose is still pretty runny, so is the babies', some more, some less. I'm looking forward to our friend and Caritas helper returning to help us next week, in her official capacity.

The little ones are over or nearly over their runny noses, while Randy and I have it bad now. At least it seems to pass quickly.

Once again the little ones woke up around 8 am, I made their breakfast, and we fed them, then I cleaned them up and dressed them and took them downstairs.

The little ones have all been having runny noses recently, and today I got it too, having a sore throat and headache as well. I'm also tired, not getting enough sleep, not getting to lie down with Tammy for a nap, and this morning I took Sammy to physiotherapy, and tomorrow is another really busy day.