Day 1775. The boys were up early, as usual, then Randy got up to make their breakfast and start tidying and packing up. When I got up, I started packing the suitcases, which is my job. We were working hard on getting everything ready, and Randy loaded everything into the car. It all took a while, and so it was nearly 11 am by the time we drove off.

Day 1774. Sammy was up early, and then the others got up as well, followed by Randy who made breakfast for them. I got up even earlier than yesterday, before 9 am, which was terribly early having gone to bed just before 2 am. We ended up leaving the house just before 11 am. It was our last day in Klagenfurt, and we had some great plans for the kids.

Day 1773. Sammy was once again up very early. Tammy stayed on the top of the bunkbed all night, which was remarkable, as she has not slept a whole night in her own bed in a long time. That also meant that she was soon up after her brothers were up. Randy then got up and made breakfast for them, while I stayed in bed.