Day 1833. No rest in the morning this weekend. The kids were up early, as usual, and I enjoyed being able to stay in bed. Randy even took them downstairs after breakfast. As our time to leave was approaching, they came back upstairs, and everybody got dressed for church. We left the house after 10 am and took two subway lines.

Day 1832. It was a Saturday, but we had to get up in the morning, as we already had to leave the house at 9:30. Our friend we hadn't seen in a long time had invited us to come celebrate her son's birthday with them. Because of construction work, it was a longer trip than usual to the other end of town.

Day 1830. On Sunday was the kids' big birthday party, and we adults could still feel the exhaustion for days. Sammy had horse therapy on Monday morning - his very last one - and gave his horse a kiss to say good-bye. I was teaching for two hours in the afternoon, with Tammy and Emmy occupying themselves, while Randy had to go to the pediatrician with Sammy to get a paper.