9 months 30 days

Last night was the third night in a row that Tammy needed milk (the boys always do). She had already been sleeping through the night for weeks. Not only that, after drinking, she won't let me put her down, even when she has already falling asleep. She starts crying so hard, getting frantic. I tried several times last night, and finally took her to bed with me. However, I did not really want to sleep all night with her in my arms. I finally tried again and at some point her sleep was deep enough to just continue sleeping. I sure hope it does not continue like that!
She had a tough day during the day today as well, though the pictures show her good moments. We think her teeth are really bothering her. Today I was feeding her, when half-way through she started crying hard, for seemingly no reason. She would not be comforted by anything! I gave her the tooth gel, and at some point she quieted down, and some time later allowed us to put her back in bed to play. Not easy.
We were a little stressed this morning, as we already had to leave the house at 12:30. It's really tough to be able to leave that early, and have all five of us fed. Randy was not able to eat. Miraculously we did not arrive late!
Through a kitchen website a friend recently posted here (Lilli Willi Ku), we ended up having an appointment at a small kitchen company not too far from us. As I never ordered the kitchen at IKEA (because Randy wanted our kitchen measured professionally and they only come July 2nd), I thought we might as well check it out. Am I glad we did!
It was definitely not a big place, no customers, two employees. The guy was really nice and you could tell, very competent. He asked me lots of questions. What surprised me most is that several things IKEA said were not possible, he said were. So now I'm getting the kitchen I wanted in the first place, if we go with it. The oven will be on top instead of the bottom, the dishwasher in the middle, and the cabinets floor to ceiling on the right side. I also get my spice rack, and all the space in the corner will be usable. And they'll add some more power points. What more do you want! The question now is how much it will cost, and he said they could install it in August still, which I already resigned myself to anyway. He'll send us some drawings and estimates by the weekend, and on Monday we could seal the deal. Rather than going to another big furniture shop, we returned home. I was pretty happy that Randy would not let me buy the IKEA kitchen the other day.
Before we left, Tammy had just fallen asleep and I had to wake her up. She was awake during the whole trip, Emmy slept on the way there. She now always sits up in the stroller, taking in everything she sees around her.
Back home we fed them all their second meal, and they had fun again (with exceptions). Tammy's favorite toy now is the side of the bed. Today she sat there, letting her feet hang out.
And it was so cute when she and Emmy were both sleeping, right next to each other.
At some point I lay down with her, as I do when she's so very tired but can't fall asleep. Well, she was not ready to sleep! Instead she started crawling all over the bed, having the time of her life in the thick, soft comforters. Don't miss the video! Actually, I cut off the end of the video, because she fell sideways and hit her head on the wood there. It wasn't bad. I only had to hold her briefly before she was ready to return to discovering.
I'm amazed how Sammy is now our easiest child, when it was the opposite when they were little. He always falls asleep pretty much right away, and wakes up once per night to eat. Tammy and Emmy are a different story. Tonight Randy ended up rocking them both at different times.
One last thing: I got my blood test results and am really happy. The only number off is my good cholesterol which is too low. 7 weeks of eating healthy and losing weight has paid off! And my blood pressure has also been okay the two times I've measured at home since the high number at the doctor's office.