8 months 28 days

We needed a day without going anywhere, and I needed to get the French translation of our newsletter done. Randy continues packing up everything.
I've been meaning to tell you that Tammy has discovered how much fun it is to splash water. She's had a pretty bad diaper rash (fungus) for a while, and the doctor gave us some extract to put in the bath water for her to sit in, and so she's had that nightly time sitting in the water with her little ducky - and made that discovery! I'm actually really excited that we're finally going baby swimming with them! It's really hard to get a spot anywhere, but thanks to Corona, there are 3 spots available in the little swimming pool just down the road from us (in walking distance). Every other place only starts again in fall. It's gonna be interesting!
I've told you before that we have to constantly have our eyes on them, as they like being close to each other to play, but they don't understand yet what hurts the others. I think the first video I uploaded is hilarious where I try to teach Tammy to be gentle to her brother. It sure makes for some good videos and pictures.
Tonight Emmy woke up again and needed to be rocked for a while. Well, it should have been the other way round, but it was Emmy who rocked Daddy to sleep! I took Emmy back to bed before anything could happen, and he was fine then. Tamara had woken up by Emmy's crying, and nothing escaped her piercing eyes!