Ask of Me, and I will make the nations your inheritance. (Ps 2:8)
Day 2015. Emmy slept better last night, again next to me, while his sister stayed in her bed. Her time sleeping with us might actually have come to an end, as sad as that is. Of course I was woken up a lot by the kids, and at some point Emmy lay back down next to me, but he never lets me sleep. Randy took the others downstairs. Emmy was still pretty sick with quite a fever. By 11 am I was awake for good and soon went to the kitchen to make lunch.
We had tickets for a carnival party - the last one - that we needed to leave for at 1 pm. It was very clear that Emmy was not up for it, so he and I were going to stay home. Sammy was so very excited to put his new Mickey costume on for the first time. I helped with him, and also helped Tammy get ready. I did her hair and her face, then I did Sammy's face. He looked so good in his new costume!
Randy was not very excited to go without me, to a new place across town. And then they left 15 minutes late. And it was a disaster. They got there late - it was on the other end of town - and then the party was no good. They did some dances but Tammy was unusually quiet and did not want to dance. Sammy was also bored. Randy video-called me, and I suggested they'd walk around to see what else was there. That's how they found face-painting and a crafts station, where Tammy did some drawing. But that was all there was. And so they left rather early, as no one was having fun.
As for me, I was not feeling so well myself so I was rather glad to stay home. Plus, I had so much work that had piled up that I sure needed the time to start taking care of it. And that's what I did, and I made great progress. Emmy was feeling better after some fever-lowering medication and regretting that he had not gone to the party. He had some food and was on his tablet the whole time. Only later in the afternoon did he start feeling worse again.
Just before 4:30 pm, Randy and the kids were already back. They had only stayed at the party for just over an hour. I was still in the middle of important work, but I put it on pause. It was time to go downstairs for piano practice before Emmy was doing worse again. So we all went downstairs, and Emmy practiced first, then Tammy. Randy then stayed with Tammy and Sammy downstairs, while Emmy went back to bed and his tablet, and I to my computer to continue working. But Randy and the kids soon came upstairs, and I warmed up some leftovers for Tammy who was hungry. Then I started cutting fruit for everyone, and they all had some food. After a while, Emmy returned to his bed, while the other two went to the bathtub, where they ate some more. Then we got them ready for bed. After I had put Sammy to bed with a prayer, Tammy and Emmy came to my bed for a story. Then I prayed for them, and they went to bed. I went to the kitchen to make myself some soup. After having eaten, I started working on the pictures, but I also continued my office work to get even more done. Now it's 1 am, and I hope to head to bed soon.