5 years 6 months 4 days

Day 2014. Emmy started having high fever during the night. He lay down next to me and woke up crying quite a bit. I had gone to bed at 2:30, and with Emmy crying so much, plus me not being well yet, I was really tired this morning and had a tough day not feeling well plus being tired.

Sammy was up very early as usual. Tammy  had stayed in her own bed all night. Randy didn't want to get up for a long time, but finally did to make their breakfast. I had already given Sammy a bar because he was saying he was so hungry.

When my alarm went off at 9:30 am, I was already up as the kids had not let me sleep. Emmy was up but feeling miserable, and he most definitely didn't want to eat. It became clear that he was not going to piano class today. And so I helped Tammy get ready, and we both left the house at 10 am. We had our scooters with us and rode them to the subway, then took it downtown and rode them to the music school, where we arrived quite early thanks to the scooters.

It looked like we were going to be the only ones in class today, but then another student arrived, plus there was a girl from the Thursday class doing a make-up lesson. Tammy sat down at the piano in the first row. For the first time Tammy was going to have me all to herself in class today. The founder and director of the school started with the greeting song, then she again did a guessing game about their breakfast because the other girl started it. She then had the kids play some warm up finger exercises.

Next she got a xylophone out and wanted the kids to be able to repeat on their pianos what she was playing. It was Tammy's turn first. She had an easy one with do-re-mi-fa-sol-sol-sol and did a good job.

Then the kids actually played the song on the piano that they've been singing and just doing the fingers for without the piano. Then they sat down on the floor, and the teacher got out a taken-apart xylophone. The kids were supposed to find all the do's and re's and mi's etc. to put the xylophone back together. It wasn't always easy for them, but in the end they had accomplished it.

Then it was time to do the singing song, and they did well. Even though it was late, she still did a quick story, then gave them their stickers and stamps and did the good-bye song. We put our coats and shoes on and left.

Since she had ended late, we got home a little later than expected. I went straight to the kitchen to make lunch, then we sat down to eat. Even Emmy had some food. He looked a lot better than what he had looked like in the morning. After having eaten, it was time to get dressed and ready to leave the house at 1 pm

Just after 1 pm we all left and walked to the subway that we then rode to the very end. From there we still had some walking to do.

The kids recognized the place before I did, as they could see their friend inside already. They had been invited to the birthday party of one of the kids in the piano class - who had not come to class today. We went inside the event location, took our shoes and coats off, then put the gifts where we were supposed to. There was some seating for the adults, and lots of fun stuff for the kids to do. There were also plenty of drinks and snacks. Sammy sat down in a train right away and had fun. Emmy and I started playing a giant "4 wins". I had to tell him how to play the game, and he did well. Tammy was already running around with the birthday kid and others.

They had a big climbing construct there that including a ball pit and a slide. Sammy wanted to climb up the ladder to get to the slide, and Randy helped him. His siblings helped him once on the top. He went up and down quite a few times.

Then all the kids were called to the table for cake. I made sure Sammy got the end seat so that Randy could sit down next to him and make sure he didn't fall off the chair. Emmy ended up sitting next to the birthday kid. He was feeling worse again and didn't really want to eat a cake. I then gave him some fever sirup - for the second time today - so he'd feel better. I always expected that he and I would leave early, when he couldn't go on any longer. I wasn't feeling so well either.

Soon they were all up from the table and running around again. And then all three ended up in the ball-pit together and playing together. They were all hiding under the balls from me and did a great job doing so.

And then a lady party entertainer took over. She had a headset microphone so everyone could hear her, and she started with some songs/dances she was doing with the kids. I couldn't believe it, when I saw Emmy jumping around.  The medication was obviously working, but I wanted him to take it easy.

Then the lady did a party game with them, and again Emmy gave it his all physically. Next they were dancing the limbo, but the bar was not particularly high. Then it was time for Kasperl. She was setting up her theater while talking with the kids. She was a great talker. When she was done, she finally went behind the stage and started the Kasperl play. Our kids all watched and engaged. Many of the kids would go to the stage and touch the puppets. I was the only adult watching and asked them to sit down as the puppeteer told them the same in vain. It only helped to a degree.

After the show, it was time for pizzas and chicken nuggets, even for the adults. Then the treasure hunt started. Soon the birthday kid had a treasure chest in his hand. The chest was full of papers with numbers. Every kid could get a number if he first shot a ball at stacked cups and made it fall off the top. As the kids were standing right in front of the cups, it was very easy. When it was Sammy's turn, Randy was sitting on the floor and holding him up, but Sammy was further away from the cups than any of the other kids and he wasn't getting it. Once Randy had moved him closer, he finally got it.

The kids then had to keep their papers to get the gift with that number later. They also did a group picture, and then I saw the see-saw and put Sammy on it.

Then it was time for the gifts. I believe she pulled out of the bag whatever was fitting for the kid in her opinion. Emmy and Sammy got a jumping little thing that also lit up, while Tammy got two bracelets she'll have to make herself first.

Then it was disco time. They dimmed the lights and projected fancy lights all over the room. The kids were dancing to the music. She had a wig and said that whoever was wearing the wig, all the other kids had to dance just like that person. Tammy was the first one with the wig on, but the others didn't really copy her.

Emmy was sitting with me, as the medication had worn off and he was pretty miserable again. He was ready to go home. I asked when the birthday kid was going to open up his presents, but that wasn't even planned until I asked. I then asked them if we could be first with the gifts, so we could leave right away after. Emmy sat/lay in my lap waiting for the disco to be over.

Then I walked to the gift table and picked out our three gifts and had them each give him the gift they had chosen. However, he was a unique little man as he didn't want to open the gifts. He did so very reluctantly, even seemed to cry. I found out that he was gonna open them at home, opening a gift every few days, so he wasn't happy. However, our kids wanted to see his reaction when he opened the gifts.

Once that was over with, we put their coats and shoes on and left after saying good-bye. The kids had had a great time there. We started walking in the direction of the subway. I had Emmy on my shoulders as he was feeling so bad. Once we'd arrived at the subway, I had to put him down as my shoulders were hurting. We then got on the subway and were home by 6:30 pm. Emmy had been whining all the way home. Back home, he put his pj on right away and went to bed. He was soon asleep.

Tammy and Sammy still wanted to eat some fruit, so I cut it up for them. They then ate it in the bathtub, then we put their pj's on as well. It was still too early to go to bed, so they were allowed to watch their tablets until bed time. I went to my own bed to lie down and get a few minutes of rest. I had canceled my 8 pm student because of how miserable I was feeling myself. Just before 8 pm, Tammy came to me so I could pray for her and send her to bed. I stayed on my bed by my computer until I got hungry and went to the kitchen to make some soup. After having eaten, I started working on the many pictures of the day, and eventually started writing the report before I was done with the pictures. Now it's 2 am and I have to go to bed and finish the pictures tomorrow.