5 years 6 months 11 days

Day 2021. Last night both kids were back in bed with us. Sammy was up first, then the others, then Randy got up to make breakfast for them. At 9:30 my alarm went off, and I got up to get ready to leave the house. Just before 10 am I left with Tammy and Emmy.

It was a warm and sunny day. We took the subway downtown, then walked to the music school, where we arrived early. At 10:30 their class started. The teacher did the greeting song, then did the breakfast food guessing game again. Next she had them do a finger exercise in the air, fingers touching the thumb, then they did the finger exercises on the piano. Next they did the song they're playing now.

Then they went up front, and she drew notes on the board, and the kids had to know whether they are skips or steps and take the right pipes on the floor to play the note on the board. Emmy did better than Tammy did, but Tammy had notes on the bass cleft, while Emmy had the treble cleft.

They then did an exercise in their books, where they had to mark skips and did well. Then it was time to sing their song up front, and they did well. Then it was story time, which they enjoy. I was surprised that the teacher went 10 minutes over, but then we had not started on time either. The kids got their stickers and stamps for their homework. They had practiced 6 days of the week, every day. She did the good-bye song, then the class was over. We got dressed and left.

We walked to the subway, rode it for one stop, then got on another subway. After we got off, we walked to McDonald's, where Randy and Sammy were already waiting for us. Sammy had already started eating, as he was hungry. I ordered the food for everyone, and we sat down to eat. They had dinosaurs as toys, which the kids were excited about.

Sammy was ready to leave, so we already left at 12:45 pm, an hour before their swim class was to start. We crossed the square, walked into the pool building and bought our tickets. Then we walked around the building to the wheelchair entrance, where they let us in. We got changed and walked inside. We still had plenty of time until the class at 1:45 pm, so we all went into the warm baby pool. Tammy and Emmy had their diving goggles and had lots of fun. Sammy also had great fun. Emmy did somersaults backwards in the water, and Tammy somersaults forward. Both tried to do handstands in the water.

Then it was time for the three of us to walk over to the big, cold pool for the class. We had missed the first two sessions of the class because of birthday parties, and so it was the third session of the class of this semester. I was surprised to see how many kids there were. It was the next class up from their last class - upon the teacher's request. Randy and Sammy stayed in the warm-water pool.

After the greeting song, the kids got a swim noodle to sit on and had to swim to a board and put something on it. They had to make the right arm movements to swim and did really well. Later they put the noodle under their arms and had to do both the arm and legs movement, and again they did well. Soon they'll be swimming without any help. Emmy was getting pretty cold in the cold water, and Tammy as well, and they were glad, when the class was over. We quickly went back to the warm-water pool, where we joined Randy and Sammy and played some more. Then we left.

We got changed and left the pool. The kids wanted to go to the playground right there, so we did. We spent some time there, then we left to go home. We walked to the subway and rode the two subways home. Tammy was crying the whole time because of a splinter in her finger. Emmy fell asleep on the second subway; I had him on my lap. And I carried him after we got off the train. At some point I couldn't go on any more, and Randy took him. It was close to 4 pm, when we got home. I took Emmy from Randy again and put him in my bed. I was really surprised that he had not woken up yet, with all the moving him we had done. That's very unusual. I was extremely tired myself and lay down next to Emmy and actually fell asleep at some point.

Just before 6 pm we woke up, and I went to the kitchen to make dinner for them. They all ate, then went into the bathtub. Then I put Sammy to bed and read some stories to Tammy and Emmy. They then also went to bed, and I sat down to eat my salad I had made after making their food. After having eaten, I went to work on the computer. Now it's 1:30 am, and I still have to take care of the kitchen.