5 years 5 months 17 days

Day 1996. This morning I helped get the kids ready for kindergarten, then lay back down. But not feeling so well, I had a hard time sleeping as well and got up earlier than I needed to, half an hour before my alarm went off. I then slowly got ready for my 11 am student and taught until noon. Then I started cooking and finished before Randy and Sammy got home. Sammy also wanted to eat some, so he sat next to me while I fed him, and then he still had a pudding.

He was playing with the door, while I was working on the computer. At about 2:15 pm Randy and the other kids got home. Randy sat down to eat, and Emmy also wanted some. Tammy wasn't feeling well. I made their sandwiches for the evening, and Sammy said he wanted to stay home with Daddy. I was surprised. I guess he had a good time yesterday and was ready for a time like that again. The only reason he didn't want to go to ball-playing class was that his friend Michi was not coming today.

At 2:45 pm I left with Tammy and Emmy. Even though Tammy wasn't feeling so well, she was gonna come along and do what she felt up to. We took the subway, then the tram, and got to the dance studio ten minutes before the class was to start. Emmy put his other shoes on and went into the studio. Tammy had brought her tablet and was watching a movie. I stayed in the locker room with her for most of the time and just went inside from time to time to watch and take pictures.

As it was the first class of the semester, there were a few new kids that had come for a try-out. Two girls left before the class was over, but the other kids had lots of fun. I went into the room, when Emmy was about to do a headstand and handstand. When he went down, his shoe was suddenly in the trainers hand who then made a joke about the shoe smelling, getting everyone to laugh. The trainer also showed them a new move, and Emmy did pretty well. When they had their freestyle session at the end, as always, when the kids go to the middle one by one, Emmy did really well, I thought, better than what I've seen before.

Once the class was over, we got dressed, took our scooters and left. We rode to the tram stop. The tram was just arriving, and we ran to get on. After three stops we got off and rode our scooters the one bus stop to the school where the ball-playing class is taking place. The kids got changed, and we went inside the gym. I sat down along the wall, where all the other parents were. Tammy and Emmy ran off to find a ball to play with.

A few minutes later all the kids gathered on the big mat for their roll call and instructions on their first game. Tammy played along, but she was really not feeling well and soon sat down next to me instead of playing. Her body felt a little hot.

I was surprised when the class ended earlier than expected. We got changed again, took our scooters and rode to the bus stop. The bus was just arriving, so we ran to catch it and did. Emmy was eating his sandwich, but Tammy had no appetite. She looked really miserable, as miserable as I felt yesterday.

As we had caught the earlier bus, we were home by 6 pm. Tammy put her pj's on and went straight to bed. I gave her some watermelon to eat in bed while she was watching her tablet for a while. Then she turned it off and went to sleep early. Emmy and Sammy ate their fruit, then went into the bathtub. I then put Sammy to bed, then sat down with Emmy for a bed-time story. I prayed for him, and he went to bed as well. Then I sat down at the computer to get ready for my 8:10 pm student. I then taught until 9 pm, then went to the kitchen to get myself something to eat. After having eaten, I went back to work. Now it's nearly 1 am, and I still have to take care of the kitchen. Even Randy is not in bed yet, as he wanted to answer all the birthday wishes he had on Facebook.