5 years 4 months 23 days

Day 1971. Today was the last day of our vacation. Sammy was up early, but we all got up at 8 am and went downstairs to have breakfast. Today they discovered Nutella, a hazelnut spread, and they loved it. After breakfast, we went to our room, where we put our ski gear on - Tammy, Emmy and I. It was my first and only time to go skiing myself this week, and I was looking forward to taking the kids, as their ski course was over. I couldn't believe how expensive it was for me to buy this ticket for just this morning. But I was excited to get to go skiing, and it was a beautiful, sunny day with great snow as it snowed two days ago.

We said good-bye to Randy and Sammy and went to the ski boot room where we put our boots on. Then we picked up our skis and gave them to the driver of the shuttle to put them in, then we got on ourselves. He drove us to the bottom of the hill to where the gondola was. One of the kids' friends was also in the van with us, and she also walked to the elevator that you had to take to go upstairs to where you get on the gondola. But then we soon lost sight of her. There were a lot of people wanting to get on the gondola, and it was very crowded, everyone pressing forward to get on. I felt bad for the kids and had to make sure they stayed with me, while making my way to the other end, where it wasn't as bad. We finally got on first; they took their skis inside with them. The rest of the gondola was also filled with people, and it was relatively big with space for about 8 people. The kids were excited to go skiing with me, especially Emmanuel.

After we had gotten off the gondola, it was time to tighten their boots and put their gloves on properly. Then they put their skis on. I did just the same. They told me how they had taken the chair lift that was right there, so that's what we were going to do as well. It was not far, and we skied over there and got on. They were doing great. After we had reached the top, I took a picture of the great view. Then I told them to ski behind me, just like they do with their ski instructor, and they did.

We ended up going up and down that slope 6 times, and it was not a short slope. On the map it's slope 3, a blue slope, which is the easiest. I was really impressed with how well they were skiing. When I let them go down by themselves, they tended to go straight down, especially Emmy, while Tammy went left and right a little more. I kept telling them to not go straight down, but go left, then turn, then go right, etc. They did it following me, but not by themselves. Emmy fell a few times, and so did Tammy, but Tammy just got back up, while Emmy usually had a fit. One time he didn't want to get up and go on, but then he did. He didn't really have a choice. Back at the lift, he was all happy again and saying how much he was enjoying himself. All day he repeated quite often how much fun this morning had been, going skiing with Mommy.

The third time we went up, we started on the other side. The kids had wanted to go that way and said they had done it with the ski instructor, but I didn't know any of those slopes. I then asked someone who told me that the slope just curved around and came back to the main slope quite soon, and so we went that way. It was a fun park for kids where they had jumps and tunnels and stuff like that, and the kids went over and through it all and had fun.

We were all having a great time. Sometimes it was hard to keep my eyes on both of them, when one went much faster than the other. One time Emmy just went down the hill without stopping, and I could not see him any more. I stayed with Tammy who was slower and was just hoping to find him on the bottom of the slope which I did.

After 6 times it was already noon and time to take the gondola back down as it was a red slope to go down, and I would not take them on a red slope yet, not if they don't go left and right. We got on and rode the gondola down. I called Randy while we were on it and asked him to come with the shuttle to take us back to the hotel.

While we were skiing, Randy had gone to the top floor with Sammy, where he made friends with another little boy. They ended up playing Fusball together, Randy helping Sammy. Randy then took Sammy to our room to change his diaper, but when they returned to the room, the boy was gone. Sammy wanted to find him again, so they went through the whole house and actually found him in the library. Later he also came to the kids' room, where they talkd with each other briefly.

We got off the gondola, and I returned my lift ticket and got the deposit for the card back. Then we walked to the street to wait for the shuttle. Tammy was whining that she was hungry. And I was very thirsty not having had a drop to drink all day yet. I called Randy who handed me to the receptionist. I told her we were waiting at the gondola. Soon the shuttle arrived and took us up the hill to the hotel. Randy and Sammy were right there, happy to see us.

We went to our room and got changed, then we went to have lunch. It was quite a bit later than usual. Crafts started at 1 pm, but we weren't done by then. They got there late, but were still able to make their masks. After I was done with lunch, I went there with Sammy. He wanted to play with Duplos, but another child was playing with it. He then put it all up. Tammy then wanted me to read a book to her which I did. Once Randy arrived, I left them to go lie down for a little bit and have a nap.

I got to sleep for 20 minutes, as Randy and the kids already returned to the room at 2:50 pm. I really wanted to sleep some more but no chance. So I got up so we could all go have cake; Sammy was already saying he was hungry. I wanted to return all our equipment to the rental place first, and Emmy said he'd go with me, so we also put our coats on. Then we picked up the ski boots and took them to the rental place that is thankfully in the same building. Next we got our skis and also took them there. They scanned them all in, and I paid a hefty price for the rental. Then we left and joined the others by the bar for cake and hot chocolate.

Back in the room, it was time to put our swim suits on for a last visit to the swimming pool. We went to the upstairs pool where you can swim outside and had lots of fun. We actually picked up snow from the side of the pool and threw snow balls at each other in the water. So much fun! After a while we went back downstairs and continued playing in the pool there. Both Tammy and Emmy wanted to swim and dive without swim rings, so I had to be extra vigilant. They don't do all the movements right, but they manage to stay afloat. Tammy started doing somersaults in the water and actually did five in a row without getting air one time. I was really impressed.

At 5 pm we lef the pool; there were more people there than what we had ever seen all week. We went to our room and got changed. Then we went to the kids' room. When we walked in, Happy was already there, and the kids were excited. Randy had bought Sammy a little Happy this morning, and of course the other two also wanted one and got one each. Emmy wanted to show little Happy to big Happy who then made movements with his hands that little Happy was gonna grow to be as big as him, which the teacher said no to. Sammy was also happy to see Happy and greeted him, had a picture with him taken, and then said good-bye to him. He also participated in the dance.

After Happy had left, there was still a little time until dinner. Sammy wanted me to read a book to him, which I did, then we left for dinner.

Tonight it was a buffet for everyone again, and we ate well. The kids were most excited about the chocolate fountain and had quite a bit of fruit that they had covered in chocolate. Then I took them to the kids' room where they had a kids' disco tonight. They just had some colorful lights and played children's songs to dance to. Tammy soon left to go build a track for the little train. I had finished eating and got my dessert plate and took it to our room, then I joined the kids in the kids' room and also took Sammy there who danced along.

The disco ended at about 7:15 pm, but the good-night story was only at 7:45 pm. Emmy had said all day that he wanted to play Fusball with me one last time, but we hadn't had a chance yet. He asked again, so I finished reading the book to Sammy that he had chosen, then I left with Emmy, as Randy had arrived. We went to the top floor and the games room, where we were the only ones until the end. I really just kept my players out of the way so Emmy could score. One time I scored three times in a row, which upset Emmy, but in the end, he had more goals than me.

We returned to the kids' room for the good-night story, but Randy and the other kids had already gone to the room. Emmy sat down to draw, and his friend, a girl, sat next to him, also drawing. A few minutes later the story started. After it was over, they did some more drawing, then we left to return to our room. He can finish the drawing back home.

We got all the kids ready for bed, and I still read them a bedtime story and prayed for them all before they went to bed. Then I turned my computer on to work on the pictures and write my report. Now it's 1:15 am and time for bed. Tomorrow we take 3 trains home again.