4 years 10 months 14 days

Day 1779. Day 2 of the sports camp for Tammy and Emmy. And Sammy was finally over being sick and without fever. Since he had a 9:30 appointment to adjust his wheelchair and stander that Randy had to be at, we went our separate ways this morning. I left with Tammy and Emmy at 8:15 to take them to their camp, and we all took our scooters to get to the tram stop faster, and then to the school after getting off the tram. Today I was able to just help them put their indoor shoes on and then say good-bye to them. No drama, no crying.

Randy took Sammy to kindergarten for him to be there at 8:30, as usual, then returned home to get his special seat he got 3 years or more ago to take that to kindergarten too to be looked at by the company that was coming there. He was already gone, when I got home just after 9 am. Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang, and a new cleaning lady arrived to help us out in the summer, while our regular one is gone. I showed her around, then sat down at my computer to get ready for my 10 am lesson. Randy and Sammy returned home before I was done teaching. The kindergarten teachers had thought that Sammy was still weak and should go home. He seemed fine to me and was joyful all day.

I went to the kitchen to make lunch and then had to go back to my computer to teach from noon to 1 pm. After I was done, I got lunch ready, and we all sat down to eat. At 2:30 pm I had my next student, and after I was done with her, we all got ready to leave the house. Sammy wanted to come along again.

We left at 3:30, walked to the tram, then rode it for 3 stops and walked some more. We were there before it was over at 4 pm. I went close to the entrance to the gym again to wait for it to be over, but suddenly kids came out, including ours, and Tammy held on to me and wanted to stay with me. The teacher succeeded in getting her to go back inside for the last few minutes. I then waited for them to be done.

When they came out of the gym, they had to get their sticker books for their daily stickers, then I helped them put their street shoes back on. They immediately told me that it was Tammy's team who had won today and not Emmy's, so he was disappointed. We then left the school and picked up our scooters and went back to the tram stop. We had to wait for quite some time for the tram to arrive. Once we got off, Tammy and I went ahead on our scooters and let the boys keep their slower pace. That way we got home a few minutes earlier than the boys.

It was an extremely hot day, so I jumped into the shower right away to cool off. Tammy didn't want to, for some reason. Then I had to get ready for my 5 pm lesson. I taught until 6 pm, upstairs, while Randy had taken the kids downstairs. I was so very tired that I lay down to relax a bit after I was done teaching at 6 pm. Soon Randy and the kids came upstairs, but it wasn't until 6:30 that I got up to make their dinner. And so it was closer to their regular 8 pm bedtime today, rather than earlier. Emmy was pretty tired, which manifests itself in him crying a lot for ridiculous reasons. After a story, I prayed for them and put them to bed. I think they were asleep quickly.

I couldn't relax yet, as I had a 9 pm student and was getting ready for him. I then taught only for half an hour, as it was a trial lesson. Then I was finally done for the day. All I had left to do was to work on today's pictures from the camp that the organizers had sent and to write my report. At about 11 pm Tammy suddenly walked into my room crying hard. She was having a fit, crying, and not wanting me to touch her. When she's like that, there's nothing you can do. I kept asking what was wrong and finally understood that she was very hot. She's sleeping on the top bunk where it is even hotter than on the bottom, and right now it's very hot. We don't have air-conditioning. She cried and swung her limbs around for a long time, not making any sense and not being open to reasoning. She finally laid down with me on my bed where she could feel the different fans pointing at the bed the most and fell asleep again. I continued working. Now it's nearly 1 am and high time for me to go to bed as well.