Day 2017. After Randy had left with Tammy to take her to kindergarten, I lay back down. However, Sammy was home with me as he has horse therapy on Mondays, and Emmy because he was sick all weekend and still recovering, so there was no more sleeping possible. When Randy came home, he got Sammy ready and...

Day 2015. Emmy slept better last night, again next to me, while his sister stayed in her bed. Her time sleeping with us might actually have come to an end, as sad as that is. Of course I was woken up a lot by the kids, and at some point Emmy lay back down next to me, but he never lets me sleep. Randy took the others downstairs.

Day 2014. Emmy started having high fever during the night. He lay down next to me and woke up crying quite a bit. I had gone to bed at 2:30, and with Emmy crying so much, plus me not being well yet, I was really tired this morning and had a tough day not feeling well plus being tired.